Fix: CSS Styles for Tables and Rows Override Each Other Issue

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Krishna Priya
Standard User
Posts: 24
Joined: 09 Jun 2024, 18:29

Fix: CSS Styles for Tables and Rows Override Each Other Issue

Post by Krishna Priya »

Hello everyone, I am stuck with my website development on a specific problem. My page has three tables, and one table is different from the others.
The problem is adding CSS style to the tables. CSS styles, I add for one table override with other tables. I want table borders for two tables but no table border for the third table.

Example of my style.

Code: Select all

<div class="ebody">

         table 1
        table 2
       <div class="tbody">
                                       table 3


How can I tell the CSS that, it should not use general table styles for table 3?
Alex George
Global Moderator
Posts: 151
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Location: Brooklyn

Global CSS Styles for Table Override local style

Post by Alex George »

Can you share your code, Krishna Priya? I will help after checking out the current code.
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